Panel text reads:
The Group
NC to OR
40 years of Thanksgiving
1. Dorothy Raattama Bergman, student
2. Henry Bergman, student
3. Rachel Wallen, faculty wife
4. Marie Mulholland, student
5. David Corkran III, faculty brat
6. Harry Weitzer, student
7. David Schauffler, student
8. Howard Rondthaler, faculty brat and student, briefly
9. Verna Raattama Schauffler, student
Manvel Schauffler, student
The Group
NC to OR;
40 years of Thanksgiving
The connection between "The Group" and Black Mountain College began with the move to Portland, Oregon area in 1947-48 of twelve students and a faculty couple, John & Rachel Wallen. The students were: Ed Adamy, Henry and Dorothy (Raattama) Bergman, Warren Blanchard, Harry and Mirande (Geisbuhler) Holl, Bernard Karp, Marie and Rod Mulholland, Manvel and Verna (Raattama) Shauffler and Harry Weitzer. These people shared an interest in starting a cooperative experiment in Estacada, Oregon. While the cooperative experiment lasted for little more than two years, it dissolved amicably and many of its members stayed in Oregon. The first Thanksgiving took place in 1948 and it continues to this date.
A few years later, Howard Rondthaler, David Corkran III, John Corkran, Stuart Atkinson, Martha Hult and Neil and Susie (Schauffler) Albright moved to the Northwest. These people also had been at BMC and were invited to join the Thanksgiving celebration. Still later, Alice Rondthaler, David and Marian Corkran, Robin Corkran and Mary Emma Harris attended.
The photo of the town of Black Mountain was taken many years ago. The photo of the Oregon group was taken in 1988. In it are ten people who were at BMC in the late 1940's, along with their children and grandchildren, relatives and close friends. The tradition has been to spend four days together on the Oregon Coast. The site of this photo is a camp we have used for more than twenty years. What a great gathering it is for friends who first met at Black Mountain college, and what a good experience it is for their children and their children's children.
H. Weitzer and H. Rondthaler
October 20, 1995
The Group
NC to OR
40 years of Thanksgiving
1. Dorothy Raattama Bergman, student
2. Henry Bergman, student
3. Rachel Wallen, faculty wife
4. Marie Mulholland, student
5. David Corkran III, faculty brat
6. Harry Weitzer, student
7. David Schauffler, student
8. Howard Rondthaler, faculty brat and student, briefly
9. Verna Raattama Schauffler, student
Manvel Schauffler, student
The Group
NC to OR;
40 years of Thanksgiving
The connection between "The Group" and Black Mountain College began with the move to Portland, Oregon area in 1947-48 of twelve students and a faculty couple, John & Rachel Wallen. The students were: Ed Adamy, Henry and Dorothy (Raattama) Bergman, Warren Blanchard, Harry and Mirande (Geisbuhler) Holl, Bernard Karp, Marie and Rod Mulholland, Manvel and Verna (Raattama) Shauffler and Harry Weitzer. These people shared an interest in starting a cooperative experiment in Estacada, Oregon. While the cooperative experiment lasted for little more than two years, it dissolved amicably and many of its members stayed in Oregon. The first Thanksgiving took place in 1948 and it continues to this date.
A few years later, Howard Rondthaler, David Corkran III, John Corkran, Stuart Atkinson, Martha Hult and Neil and Susie (Schauffler) Albright moved to the Northwest. These people also had been at BMC and were invited to join the Thanksgiving celebration. Still later, Alice Rondthaler, David and Marian Corkran, Robin Corkran and Mary Emma Harris attended.
The photo of the town of Black Mountain was taken many years ago. The photo of the Oregon group was taken in 1988. In it are ten people who were at BMC in the late 1940's, along with their children and grandchildren, relatives and close friends. The tradition has been to spend four days together on the Oregon Coast. The site of this photo is a camp we have used for more than twenty years. What a great gathering it is for friends who first met at Black Mountain college, and what a good experience it is for their children and their children's children.
H. Weitzer and H. Rondthaler
October 20, 1995
Artwork: 1995.81.1
The Group- NC to OR - 40 Years of Thanksgiving
This work was created for the 1995 exhibition Remembering Black Mountain College curated by Mary Emma Harris in conjunction with Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and the BMC alumni reunion organized by Mary Holden Thompson, founding director of BMCM+AC.
24 x 18 inches
In copyright
Gift of Harry Weitzer and Howard Rondthaler
Harry Weitzer and Howard Rondthaler, The Group- NC to OR - 40 Years of Thanksgiving, 1995. Photogaphs and printed paper on foam board. Collection of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. Gift of the artist.