Collage by Ray Johnson;Clemens Kalischer : New York - photographien 1947-1959;Maja Lisa Englehardt : the fourth day, a ray of light;Surface anatomy;A unique likeness : pottery exhibition 2009;Rip It Up and Start Again;The challenge of modern art;The view from here : three master painters consider the landscape : recent work by John Cleveland, Julyan Davis, and Philip Juras;The higher learning in America; a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business men;Village life under the Soviets;One of them : chapters from a passionate autobiography;(Untitled);Conjunctions: 8

Library Item: 254078715

Conjunctions: 8


Volume 5 of Conjunctions, a biannual writing anthology by Bradford Morrow. Pages 141-145 feature a poem by Hilda Morley. Pages 148-223 contain a tribute to Basil Bunting, edited by Jonathan Williams, and featuring the writings of a multitude of authors, including Joel Oppenheimer.
[Robert M. McKinney], 1985
BMCC Con v.8
9 x 6 x 1 inches