Artwork: 2007.4.5
A Chorale* of Cherokee Night Music As Heard Through an Open Window in Summer Long Ago
Image: 13 x 13 inches
Frame: 18 x 18 inches (46 x 46 cm)
Frame: 18 x 18 inches (46 x 46 cm)
Six Rusticated, Wall-Eyed Poems
Gift of Brian Butler
Jonathan Williams (poem) and Dana W. Atchley (graphics), A Chorale* of Cherokee Night Music As Heard Through an Open Window in Summer Long Ago (*screech owl, hoot owl, yellow-breasted chat, jar-fly, cricket, carolina chickadee, katydid, crow, wolf, beetle, turkey goose, bullfrog, spring frog) from the portfolio Six Rusticated, Wall-Eyed Poems, 1969. Silkscreen on paper. Collection of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. Gift of Brian Butler.