Panel text reads:
<- Gracious Josef Albers when bidding my Mother (who became ill with pneumonia while visiting BMC) + me off to NYC.
L to R ->
{Lorna Blaine Howard
Tasker Toward Jr. (newlyweds) on their Gov’t housing railing
Tasker Howard Jr. Teaching Economics Class
<- Done by Ati Gropius, daughter of Walter Gropuis and one of the best students here.--
Dear Dick*–
Every day I say Dick should be here now–And likewise every day I have to bite my lip and sigh that he isn’t–and so everyday I say to myself but I can write to him + tell him about the things he should be for–and again everyday whips by + far into the night + my eyes close + I haven’t told Dick all the wonderful things–And not today I write–but today wasn’t really a a [sic] day of wonderful things for today was one of scrubbing the johns + sweeping the shop + washing my clothes + cleaning my study + now it’s 11:00 so I’ll have to tell you about yesterday + perhaps the day before.--
Yesterday was the day we have Design class.-- That was the day for problems or space or time used interchangeably–it also was the day for matières and also the day for a concert + then, the day which stretched into today for a party.--
And the day before was the day for painting class–That was a morning of agony–I got drowned in the watercolour and spent the 2 ½ hours trying to gurgle + splash my way up and out–but the class ended + I was still submerged. And then I had math class + we travelled all over graph papers with lines from point to point + finally proved that one area was triple another.--Then we took another piece of graph paper + reduced the proof to a construction of three lines.-- + after that the fire siren blew so we rushed to the scene–the college dump was afire so we put it out.--And then we looked at it and wished we’d let the whole damn thing burn up.--There was a constructive end to it though–the members of design class remembered matière + suddenly the dump was alive with scavengers–nothing was overlooked–everything there had possibilities so the components of the dump were removed to the studies buildings–)needless to say, the matière studies in class, though not in appearance, gave off aromas the likes of which were not unknown to us.)--And a night of work followed–what could be better?--And now it’s time for some work
So with love,
*Richard M. Burgess fellow art student and Columbia U, NYC from Minneapolis, Minn, with studio at **E10th st. NYC
Cornelia + George Williams + White Lightening [sic]
Albert Halper
1972 Rescuing the BMC sign from the ditch
Lorna Halper
Artwork: 1995.86.1
Remembering BMC as -- Whatta mix! Mess! MARVEL!
Mixed media
This work was created for the 1995 exhibition Remembering Black Mountain College curated by Mary Emma Harris in conjunction with Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and the BMC alumni reunion organized by Mary Holden Thompson, founding director of BMCM+AC.
24 x 18 inches
In copyright
Gift of Lorna Blaine Harper
Lorna Blaine Halper, Remembering BMC as -- Whatta mix! Mess! MARVEL!, 1995. Mixed media. Collection of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. Gift of the artist.