• Why did they come ~
Why did they come ~
Why did they come ~
Why did they come ~
Why did they come ~
Panel text reads:

These are photographs of two white doors taken at Black Mountain College in North Carolina. They are the doors of the Quiet House, a building designed and built by a student as a place for quiet thought.
The photographs were taken through the seasons–by Hazel Larsen Archer during the time she taught photography at Black Mountain College. Hazel Archer has had major exhibitions at the Photo League, N.Y.C., the Museum of Modern Art, and her work has appeared in Flair Arts & Architecture, Madamoiselle [sic] and other magazines.
Why did they come–
that strange handful of individuals

Few came by intent; most came by accident
(precession), for who could have known
what Black Mountain College
was about.

One Carolina–moon night did a star
fall into the little Lake Eden to
further more touch the hearts
of those who were drawn
and came near?

Something ignited those hearts with wonder
and inquiry and with laughter
and tears–and pain, hard work
something came forth

Different–oh, so different–but it came forth.

A wonder of what learning just might be all about.

Artwork: 1995.57.2

Why did they come ~

Photographs and ink on foam board

This work was created for the 1995 exhibition Remembering Black Mountain College curated by Mary Emma Harris in conjunction with Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center and the BMC alumni reunion organized by Mary Holden Thompson, founding director of BMCM+AC.
24 x 18 inches
In copyright
Gift of Hazel Larsen Archer
Hazel Larsen Archer, Why did they come ~, 1995. Photographs and ink on foam board. Collection of Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center. Gift of the artist.