Sun seekers : the cure of California

Library Item: 197543437

Sun seekers : the cure of California


Traces the origins of how Southern California became a famed magnet for healthy living around the turn of the 20th century.

Contents: I. Health seekers --
Escaping miasma --
A healing place --
Chekhov's champagne --
Cottage cures --
The sanatorium belt --
Doctor in the sky --
II. Building a cure --
The architects and the naturopath --
The health house --
Our bodies, our homes --
III. Hermits in the canyons --
Zurück zur Natur! --
The antidote --
Wandering sisters --
Reform corrupted --
I wish they all could be California girls --
There is death in the pot --
True manhood --
A million beards.
Los Angeles, California : Atelier Éditions, [2019] ©2019
9.25 x 7 inches
Gift of Atelier Éditions